Our Research
Use of Village Funds in TB Control

What is the purpose of this research?
To examine the role of villages in TB control by conducting: (i) regulation mapping, (ii) stakeholder mapping, (iii) village role mapping in village-based TB elimination efforts, (iv) Key Person Interviews (KII) and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) with 74 informants related to the village.
Why is it done?
Through Presidential Regulation 67/2021, the Ministry of Villages and PDTT is mandated by the President to develop a policy on the utilisation of village funds that can contribute to the acceleration of TB elimination by 2022. However, village attention in health activities, especially TB, is still very limited/minimal.
When is it done?
23 October - 23 December 2021
How is the result?
Allocation of health expenditure in villages, for example, is mostly aimed at routine needs such as supplementary feeding for children, pregnant women, the elderly, stunting and village alert.
Lack of village government and public knowledge about TB
There are no ministry-level regulations that definitively mandate villages to explicitly support and engage in TB management.
What is the recommendation?
Recommendations can be found in the Poilicy Brief document above.
Social Protection for People Affected by DR-TB
What is the purpose of this research?
Looking at the condition of people affected by DR-TB, including the needs and constraints experienced, and analysing the policy opportunities that exist in Indonesia for the urgency of social security for people affected by DR-TB.
Why is it done?
81% of people with DR-TB are catastrophic (spending more than 20% of annual household income on DR-TB).
Not all people affected by DR-TB receive enabler funds.
The designation of social security schemes for people affected by DR-TB is not specific, partial, and incidental (the scheme is not clear), and only considers their poverty condition.
When is it done?
December 2021 to February 2022
Where is the research conducted?
10 regions (North Sumatra, South Sumatra, Lampung, DKI Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Central Java, DI Yogyakarta, East Java, and South Sulawesi)
How is the result?
Multidimensional impact on people with DR-TB
Needs of people with DR-TB and assistance
Available social security assistance is not specific for people affected by DR-TB despite legal policy foundations
Lack of synergy across ministries and institutions in DR-TB response and social security integration
CCT as a social security model for people affected by DR-TB
Local Policy, Planning and Budgeting for TB Control
What is the purpose of this research?
Mapping local government policies, planning and budgeting in TB control efforts.
Mapping local government perspectives in planning, funding TB control.
Provide recommendations to stimulate the political will of local governments to achieve the United Nations High Level Meeting (UN HLM) targets for TB.
Why is it done?
The issue of sustainability of the TB control programme is funding stability. Based on data from the Global TB Report 2021, the estimated budget requirement for TB control in Indonesia is US$ 515 million. This funding need has been met by 20% through domestic funding, 14% internationally, while 66% is unfunded.
When is it done?
In 2022
Where is the research conducted?
This research is conducted in 20 districts/cities in 14 provinces with high TB burden: West Bandung, Banjarmasin City, Bekasi, Bengkalis, Blitar, Bogor City, Bulukumba, East Flores, Central Jakarta City, Kudus, Kulon Progo, Lamongan, West Lombok, Magelang, Palembang City, Pasaman, Serang City, Sumenep, Tabanan, Takalar.
How is the result?
Research results can be accessed directly in the research results document
Catastrophic Cost and Poverty Assessment for People Affected by DR-TB

What is the purpose of this research?
Making available research on catastrophic costs and poverty for people affected by DR-TB;
Strengthening the participation and voice of key and vulnerable populations in evidence-based advocacy on social safety nets for people with DR-TB; and
Conduct community-based research on social protection mechanisms through a qualitative approach with meaningful involvement of TB survivor organisations.