Indonesia is free from TB where everyone in need can access quality prevention and treatment.
Mission Statement
Increase equitable access to quality TB prevention and treatment
Encourage the development and implementation of TB related policies through advocacy to stakeholders
Promote the strengthening of TB programme governance across sectors
Increase public awareness of TB to proactively seek health services
Promote availability and access to quality, rights-based and patient-centred TB services
Improve effective and efficient mobilisation and utilisation of TB prevention resources
STPI Journeys
Forum Stop TB Partnership Indonesia (FSTPI) was inaugurated by Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc, Ph.D as the Deputy Minister of Health Republic Indonesia 2011-2017. FSTPI was first proposed at the Asia Stop TB Partnership Forum meeting in South Korea which was then chaired by the late Ir. Arifin Panigoro.